Getting Started

Your initial contact with us will be one of simply discussing what it is that you want. You will not be given a sales pitch, nor will we try to impress you with technical jargoon.

We really are here to help you get your business on the web or enhance what you already have.

There are several design and development methodologies that can be followed while producing a web site but the bottom line is to meet the goals of the client. With this one key goal in mind, the approach to meeting that goal is quite simple.

Once we have a good idea on the direction you want to head, we will explain how the process will take place. Normally we will get your input on what you want your site to look like (look and feel). We will discuss how many pages are required, what they will contain, and how the layout will be presented.

Getting StartedWe will send a contract for you to review and return, this contract obligates you to nothing, it is simply an agreement that you may/are commissioning Visual Reflections to perform work for you. We then will send a quote for the services, this needs to be reviewed, signed and returned. We can then start on your site.

During the design process you will have access to our server in which we will place your site as it is being worked on, you will see your site come to life. When you are happy with what you see, we will upload your site to your hosting account and domain.

If you need help in establishing a domain name and hosting account, we can assist you through that process also.

For more detailed information on our process, click on the steps below.

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T: 252-636-6025